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Resultaten 1 - 8 van ongeveer 8
Engels We value hearing from our current and prospective...
We value hearing from our current and prospective customer, supplier and other.
Your input helps us do a better job in our mission to become the best.
Suggestion, complaints, questions, ideas, requests for information and other feedback
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Product Sample Request Form
Small samples of our products are available on request to certain qualified individuals, companies and organizations. We will make every effort to satisfy requests, however there may be cases where we cannot accommodate such request.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Turks Bugünkü ve gelecekteki...
Engels In his very important paper being the editio...
In his very important paper being the editio princeps of the turkic manuscripts in runic script from Miran and Tun-Huang V.Thomsen remarks:"This is a reliminary paper several of the mysteries and doubts. I have been obliged to leave unsolved here."Describing the MS.III Ch.0014 and the MS.4 Ch.00183 the eminent editor states,he had no opportunity of seeing the originals,but he had only photographs at his disposal.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Turks Onun elindeki var olan en önemli belge Miran ve Tun-Huang V. Thomsen’dan runik
Engels Flexible rules of employment, active labour...
Flexible rules of employment, active labour market policies with the right
and duty to training and job offers, relatively high benefits and a favourable
business cycle lasting a decade have repeatedly been offered as explanations for
this development.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Turks İstihdamın esnek kuralları....
Engels telecommunication
Three important trends in telecommunications have re-
ceived media attention for their potentially wide-ranging
impacts. The first is increasing competition among tele-
phone service providers, spurred in the United States by the
Telecommunications Act of 1996. The second is the tech-
nological convergence between telephony and the Internet.
The third is the ever-increasing number of mobile devices
and users.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Turks Telekominikasyon
Engels Then I decided to journey......
Then I decided to journey to Jerusalem (as my brother had done). At Jerusalem, I went to the mosque and sat down. A man asked me what I wanted. I told him I was a Muslim. He asked what was my name. I told him, "Stevens." He was confused. I then joined the prayer, though not so successfully. Back in London, I met a sister called Nafisa. I told her I wanted to embrace Islam and she directed me to the New Regent Mosque

Gemaakte vertalingen
Turks Sonra Kudüs'e seyahat etmeye...
Engels Recommended amount of addition of saw dust is...
Recommended amount of addition of saw dust is respectively 10%-15% and 5%-7% for bedding slush

Gemaakte vertalingen
Turks Testere tozu önerisi.....